+60 10-911 2228 (Malaysia) +1 (732) 333-8882 (New York)
+60 10-911 2228 (Malaysia) +1 (732) 333-8882 (New York)


things to do

Putrajaya 布城的秘密花园😍😍绝对不能错过!!想看花展?绝不能错过Royal Floria Putrajaya!! View more photos 场地真的很大不止有花花草草,还有很多蛮漂亮的夜景,一系列不同主题的打卡地 (图片里只是一部分而已),甚至小孩玩的充气滑梯也有!!带小孩的爸妈可以放心让孩子玩,消耗体力 Rindukan kemeriahannya?? Royal Floria Putrajaya bakal kembali memukau! Jangan ketinggalan untuk menyaksikan hamparan bunga dan keindahan flora yang menawan. Jom kita Raikan Bersama keajaiban yang bakal tiba! https://www.ideamastravel.com/tour/putrajaya-city-tour-with-batu-caves-sight-seeing-cruise/ Experience the enchanting beauty of flower gardens and exciting events that will enliven Putrajaya.Join us to celebrate this...
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If you’re the type of traveler who finds serenity in visiting aquariums during a trip, you’ll be glad to know that Kuala Lumpur has two world-class indoor marine parks that never fail to leave guests wonderstruck every time. Making a stop at the KL Tower? Be sure to check out the Blue Coral Aquarium. If...
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With over 90 rides and attractions, Malaysia’s prized theme park Sunway Lagoon makes it quite difficult for visitors to choose which ones to hit first. Of course, you’d love to try everything, but let’s face it: You could only do so much in a day. So, where to start? Read up on our top 10...
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Kuala Lumpur has been revealed as the cheapest winter sun destination for British travellers. A week-long holiday to the Malaysian capital costs less than £1,000
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The Malaysian capital has gone from down-and-out to up-and-coming. Exploring one of the city’s oldest neighbourhoods while the Petronas Twin Towers loom beyond. Visitors to the towers, in Kuala Lumpur City Centre (known as KCC), can whizz to the 86th floor in a lift that zooms skywards at five metres per second. As of July,...
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Southeast Asian country Malaysia is a travel destination offering turquoise waters, white sandy beaches, rainforests, mountains, historical landmarks and cultural diversity. It’s spread across the island of Borneo and the Malay Peninsula, and the population is made up of Malay, Chinese and Indian cultures. From snorkelling off Redang Island and exploring the Cameron Highlands to...
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Starting June 1, 2024, visitors from 63 countries are eligible to utilise autogate for immigration clearance. This privilege is also extended to all diplomats serving in Malaysia and their family members.
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Currency The currency unit of the Malaysian currency is the Malaysian Ringgit, with the code MYR. It is commonly recognized by the symbol RM and is also referred to as Ringgit Malaysia. Bank notes are available in various denominations, including RM1, RM5, RM10, RM20, RM50, and RM100. Coins, on the other hand, are issued in...
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In Malaysia, you will enjoy warm hospitality, delicious culinary delights, captivating culture, and breathtaking nature and scenic spots that are set against a vibrant metropolitan vibe – and that’s not all. Here, your journey extends beyond these experiences. Malaysia also opens doors to high quality education, excellent healthcare, Halal travel options carefully tailored to your...
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Geography Located between two and seven degrees north of the Equator, Malaysia is formed by 13 states – Kelantan, Terengganu, Pahang, Johor, Melaka, Negeri Sembilan, Selangor, Perak, Pulau Pinang, Kedah, Perlis, Sabah and Sarawak; and three Federal Territories – Kuala Lumpur, Putrajaya, and Labuan. Sabah, Sarawak and Labuan are located in East Malaysia, while others...
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